Home Unit Takeovers

What is a home unit to takeover?

"...A situation in which a legitimate tenant or home owner finds themselves unsafe, physically, financially or psychologically, because of the presence of people in their home that they may or may not be able to remove."

- Crime Prevention Ottawa

"...A situation in which vulnerable tenants are forced to accommodate unwanted guests in their homes. During HUTS, vulnerable tenants allow people into their homes to fulfill unmet social, economic, and personal needs. In the process the tenant is threatened physically, financially or psychologically." 

- The Dream Team HUT Taskforce

How do Home Unit Takeovers happen?

The victims of a Home Unit Takeover are specifically targeted by the perpetrators. They become familiar with one another and develop a degree of trust. The victims allow the perpetrators in their home several times but then begin to have a difficult time getting them to leave. 

The perpetrators may explain that they need to stay over for a short period of time due to personal hardship, but then slowly begin to make themselves at home. 

Before long, the victims find themselves in a situation where their unit has been taken over and the perpetrators refuse to leave. Sometimes the victims will experience violence, theft and other forms of abuse by the perpetrators. 

Who are the victims?

The victims of a Home Unit Takeover are usually people with a form of vulnerability: 

  • Substance addiction
  • Physical or mental health issues
  • Low income
  • Social isolation
  • Persons of advanced age.

Who are the perpetrators?

The perpetrators in a Home Unit Takeover are often known to the victims; they could be family

members, friends, neighbours or simply just someone from the neighbourhood. 

We are here to help!

In the past, law enforcement, housing organizations, landlords and others involved with housing were not as aware of Home Unit Takeovers as they are today. Victims would sometimes suffer consequences such as evictions, financial loss and even face criminal charges. 

Today, the focus is on assisting victims and ensuring their safety and well-being. The Toronto Police Service is committed to assisting all victims of crime including those affected by such a serious invasion of privacy. Everyone has the right to be safe at home.

Who can help

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