Package Theft Prevention Tips

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we go about our daily lives. There has been an increase in online orders for various items that we used to go out to purchase in person.

The selection process, purchase and delivery of groceries, clothes, and home furnishings have become very easy to do.

As such, there are people who will see this as an opportunity to steal other people’s packages.  

These thefts cost you more time, money and is an enormous inconvenience. If medication gets stolen, it can also have serious consequences.

Though many companies have policies to replace stolen packages, sometimes this process may take longer that what you may expect.  

Here are some tips on how to prevent your packages from being stolen and what to do if you become the victim of theft.



If you know you will not be home on time to accept the delivery, ask someone you trust to accept the package for you.  

If you live in a building or complex, set up a way to have neighbours hold each others packages instead of leaving them out front of the address door. This also helps build bonds and trust between neighbours.

And who doesn’t want to have friendly neighbours?


Track shipment information in advanced.

Most delivery companies now offer some form of tracking your packages – such as customized alerts.

UPS offers My Choice for their customers.

FedEx offers Delivery Manager

This will allow you to have some control as to when and where your package will be delivered. 


You can request that your package be delivered to someone in the household. You can request to have someone sign for your package.  

Most people will not provide identification or sign for a package that does not belong to them.  

This option ensures thatyour package will not be released to an unauthorized person. 



Cameras are a great deterrent against package thefts and other crimes. No one wants to have their image captured while committing a crime. Today’s technology allows you to monitoryour cameras from anywhere with online remote access wirelessly through online connections. There are also doorbells equipped with highresolution image and two-way voice options. 


Report the theft toToronto Police Service through our

Online Citizen Reporting Entry (CORE)

 Contact the non-emergency line at (416) 808-2222

You can also contact Toronto Crime Stoppers at:

416-222-8477 (TIPS) and remain anonymous

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