Project #Engage416



Project #Engage416 is an expansion and new component of the Toronto Police Service's greater gang prevention strategy that focuses on implementing a version of the evidence-based Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention comprehensive gang model at the neighbourhood level, modified to fit the diverse needs of 12 pilot neighbourhoods in the City of Toronto.

Between September of 2019 and March of 2020, the Toronto Police Service's Integrated Gang Prevention Task Force hosted over 30 Gang Prevention Town Halls in the City of Toronto's 31 lowest equitable neighbourhoods. During the Gang Prevention Town Halls, over 1,600 community members and 50+ government and non-government organizations voiced their experiences, opinions, ideas, and concerns. Their voices were not lost, forgotten, or ignored. Highly motivated and influenced by the community outreach, Project #Engage416 is geared towards the insights gained, community concerns, and empowerment needed in some of the most gang-impacted neighbourhoods in Toronto.​

Based on the five core strategies of:

(1) Community Mobilization

(2) Opportunities Provision

(3) Social Intervention

(4) Suppression, and

(5) Organizational Change and Development,

Project #Engage416 will focus on conducting intensive community outreach efforts in 12 of the most impacted neighbourhoods in the City of Toronto's northwest quadrant to support our mission statement of engaging and empowering communities to educate, prevent, intervene, and suppress gun & gang violence, human trafficking, and sexual violence & harassment - driving solutions, from the inside out.

For more information and resources, visit Engage416

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